A Bohemian Rhapsody at Kaiki Beach on Spetses Island | Kelly & Rudy

When you have travelled your loved guests to an amazing location as Amanzoe for a wedding you feel that a party before the wedding needs to be as unique as the wedding afterwards. This thought was in mind of our lovely couple when the created an amazing pre-wedding party on Spetses island at Kaiki beach....

A Mykonian Fairytale: Amy and Nikul’s Vibrant Wedding Celebration

We are thrilled to share the enchanting love story of Amy and Nikul, who recently tied the knot in the breathtaking destination of Mykonos. The wedding day unfolded at the Royal Myconian, a luxurious heaven overlooking the azure waters of the Aegean. The chosen venue, Amvrosia, added an extra layer of opulence to the celebration....

The unique feeling of love at Island Residence | Nour & Kareem

In our opinion you don’t marry someone you can live with. You marry someone you cannot live without. The one that is your first and your last thought during the day. The one who makes you feel comfortable and safe with your thoughts. There is no dream partner. But partners that fit to each other...

A match made by Destiny at Pyrgos Melissourgos | Alex & Elena

Elena and Alex’s wedding at  Pyrgos Melissourgou which looks like a castle was a sight to behold. As Elena made her grand entrance, all eyes were on her. She looked stunning in her flowing gown, and Alex couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Together, they looked like the perfect pair. The castle was beautifully...

Greek wedding Bliss at Island Grand Ciel | Dimosthenis & Marilia

  Dimosthenis and Marillia’s wedding was a beautiful celebration of love and commitment. The ceremony took place in the stunning church of the Panagia Faneromeni, a magnificent church that added a touch of grandeur to the occasion. After the ceremony, the newlyweds and their guests made their way to the Island Grand Ciel, a perfect...

Keshia & Pete | Athenian riviera | Island C- Lounge

Elegant! That is the word that came in our mind when we saw the gorgeous bride Keshia. Keshia & Pete just reminded us how romanticism looks like. They had a really strong bond between them. They share a close, intimate relationship which is really rare. Rare is the perfect word that we can describe the Athenian...

Love of tomorrow at Island Private house | Bola & Frank

Bola & Frank couldn’t think to be Mr & Mrs without their best friends. Side by side or miles apart, Bola and her bridesmaids are connected like souls. Frank and his best men have a bond relationship based on love. Before their really special moment they were sharing together moments which are so rare in...

A stunning love celebration in Amanzoe | Kelly & Rudy

Amanzoe is a hotel, very difficult to find similar anywhere in the world! This element our lovely couple, Kelly & Rudy, knew very well when deciding to celebrate their love to this remarkable hotel. They wanted to share their love among the wishes of their beloved friends and family somewhere not similar to anywhere in...

Two hearts that beat as one in Island Residence | Georgia & Christos

If faith has an important role in your life, your marriage is not only a union between 2 people. But faith as well. When we are talking about weddings we believe that a successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. It requires faith, love, attention and many efforts. That’s...

“A fallen star” Athens destination wedding | Iryna & Karim

A fallen star! This was the first thought & impression of everyone while watching our gorgeous bride, Iryna, walking down the aisle towards to the man who was the chosen one to have this star-Iryna forever to his heart. A fallen star! This would be the first impression of our handsome groom, Karim, when he...

Red of passion & love Athens destination wedding | Polina & Milan

  Athens is blue. But Athens is Red as well when it comes to Love & Passion. This amazingly colored design with flowers representing the love of our beloved couple, Polina & Milan, will stay in everyone’s mind who was present at this day. The beautiful couple exchanged their vows of love between full rich...


    Not all couples in the world get to have their wedding where their hearts skip a beat. In fact, some may take years of enterprise, traveling and undertaking before they get to finally land some time to party. Having achieved every impressario status possible it was time for them to enjoy a 3-day...


    You may have spent days under the sun on every island going and probably have a rough idea of what a summer holiday to Greece involves. But if you haven’t traveled to the Peloponnese then your Greek journey has only just begun. Vanity Fair called Porto Heli the Southampton of Greece, one of...





